About the herbalist:

My professional career started with studying Business & Communication while diving head first into door-to-door sales team management. I made a great living, traveled all over the world, had all of the "things," but I also constantly battled migraines, digestive issues, lack of energy, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

For 8 years I was caught in cycles of trying to figure out how to get back to feeling myself. All I wanted was to feel good while living out the life I had created. I saw all kinds of doctors and spent all kinds of time and money experimenting with popular treatments and techniques... but nothing ever stuck. I was always left feeling even more out of alignment than before.

Then I found Ayurveda, the oldest system of medicine still practiced today. Ayurveda emphasizes that we all have a uniquely different natural composition, and overtime, it tends to get out of wack. This means that each and every one of us needs different things to feel our best. As I learned more about Ayurveda, I became fascinated with the concept that living in alignment can be as simple as implementing practices that bring us back to our own unique, natural state. So, I decided to go back to school and study Ayurveda and start my own practice.

Even before going back to school & working with clients, I was always drawn to the herbs. I find it so incredible that there are plants out there that can help any system heal naturally. Herbs have been so monumental in my own life, and now my clients, that I decided to become an herbalist.

Today, I no longer deal with the previously mentioned health issues, and I know exactly what to do if they pop up. Through Ayurveda & Herbalism, I've been able to become my own intuitive healer, and now, I dedicate my time & energy to helping others do the same.

My absolute favorite part of my job is creating herbal formulations. Each body, mind, and spirit is different, therefore personalized formulations are very powerful in the healing process. On this site, you'll find my most popular formulations for the most common symptoms in today’s day and age. You'll also have the opportunity to request your own formulation to be created, especially for you!

I am so excited to help you reconnect with your natural self through herbal healing. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, I love talking about this stuff! 


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